Friday, July 31, 2015

My New Washi Tape Holders

I love my new washi tape holders, they look like mini planners, they're just 3" x 4 1/2" and they hold a ton of washi tapes!
I embellished the two holders on the top, adding washi tape, ribbons, button and flowers. They come plain, like the two pictured on the lower portion.
I got the idea after watching Christy Tomlinson's YouTube video on washi tape cards. She suggested buying credit card holders and wrapping your washi tape around credit card size plastic. She bought some cute ones from Daiso (Japanese dollar store), so I couldn't wait to look for them too. I bought four different ones and they were only $1.50 each.
Each folder holds 20 credit cards. The holders easily expand to fit 20 cards full of washi tapes.
You can usually wrap 5 washi tapes around each card, so add that up and you can store 100 different washi tapes in one cute little holder. I laminated white card stock, the size of a credit card, and wrapped the washi tape around it.
I even love how the inside cover is a cute polka dot pattern. I added my Paige doll image on the inside flap. Pictured below are all 20 cards from one of the holders.
I filled up one holder completely and part of the second holder, so I still have room to buy more tapes!
These are perfect for traveling and taking to classes.
I bought my credit card holders from the Daiso in LA, where I was last week. My daughter, Rachel, and I went to LA to attend the Vidcon conference in Anaheim.
She also shot more videos for YouTube with several other channels: Dreamworks, Tastemade, Popsugar and Feast of Fiction. Here's some behind the scenes shots...
I'm so proud of my daughter, she now has over 500,000 subscribers on her YouTube channel: KawaiiSweetWorld!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Doll Projects & Planner Target Haul

I like to reuse my artwork in different projects. Lately, I've been taking my Mindy Lacefield paper dolls and copying them onto muslin to make new projects.
On the left is a stuffed doll I made and on the right is my paper doll. Below is a picture of how the paper dolls look copied on cream colored muslin.
I took one of the dolls and sewed around the outside.
And then came up with this wall hanging...
Here are all three pieces I made...
It's was fun to see what I could make from the muslin copies!

If you follow me on my blog, you know I'm really into planners and all the accessories. I think this year I must have bought at least 5 planners - well, this weekend I bought yet another. These are the items I picked up. Most of them came from the Target Dollar Spot area... 
Target actually has their own planner version in the Dollar Spot. It's the smaller binder with the triangle patterns. They sell the inserts for note pages, monthly calendar pages, weekly planner pages, tab dividers and pocket dividers.
Target also sells the coordinating post-its, washi tape, pencils, paper clips, mouse's all so cute!
I hit five Targets this weekend to collect all these items. Unfortunately, there wasn't one Target that had everything...but it was a fun hunt! 

And then last but not least, I have three articles in this month's Somerset Life!
 These are the paper dolls I made with the Catherine Moore stamp...
These are the wire heart necklaces I made a couple months ago.
And the third article is the sitting dolls I made at my bday party last year.
I took the black and white head images from my sister Lana's high school year book. In hind sight, I wish I had looked up the names of the students so that I could have given them credit. :-)

Thanks for stopping by - have a great week everyone!